Understanding the Linux File Hierarchy Structure

Linux file systems follow a hierarchical structure, with a root directory and its subdirectories containing all other directories. This structure allows for efficient file organization and easy accessibility to all files on the system.


To view the directory structure after connecting to a Linux system, use the ls command.


For more information on the Linux file hierarchy structure, refer to the following documentation:

Commonly Used Directories in Linux


The /root directory is the top-level directory for all files on the Linux system. Similar to the C:\ directory in Windows, the /root directory does not have drive letters, and additional partitions appear in other folders under /root.

/opt – Optional Packages

The /opt directory contains subdirectories for optional software packages, commonly used by proprietary software that does not follow the standard file system hierarchy. For example, when installing a proprietary program, its files might be dumped into /opt/application.

/var – Variable Data Files

The /var directory is the writable counterpart to the /usr directory, which must remain read-only in normal operation. Log files and other files that would normally be written to /usr during normal operation are written to /var instead. For example, log files are stored in /var/log.

/usr – User Binaries & Read-Only Data

The /usr directory contains applications and files used by users, as opposed to those used by the system. Non-essential applications are located inside the /usr/bin directory, and non-essential system administration binaries are located in the /usr/sbin directory. Libraries for both are located inside the /usr/lib directory. The /usr directory also contains other directories, such as architecture-independent files like graphics stored in /usr/share.

Locally compiled applications install to the /usr/local directory by default, preventing them from affecting the rest of the system.

/etc – Configuration Files

The /etc directory contains system-wide configuration files that can be edited by hand using a text editor. Note that the /etc directory only contains system-wide configuration files, while user-specific configuration files are stored in the home directory of each user.

Services are typically located in this directory.


This file is executed whenever a bash login shell is entered, such as when logging in from the console or over SSH, as well as by the DisplayManager when the desktop session loads.

To configure /etc/profile, use the following command

vim /etc/profile

Remote Connection Tools for Linux


Xshell is a robust and feature-rich SSH client that enables users to connect to remote servers securely. With advanced session management capabilities, powerful customization options, and an intuitive user interface, Xshell is an excellent tool for system administrators, developers, and other IT professionals. Xshell is free for home and school users, making it an accessible option for personal and educational use.



Xftp is a file transfer client designed for secure and efficient data exchange between local and remote systems. With support for various file transfer protocols, such as FTP, SFTP, and SCP, Xftp makes it easy to upload and download files to and from remote servers. Additionally, Xftp provides users with the ability to install applications and plugins directly from the client.


Linux Command Line Interface (CLI)

The Linux Command Line Interface (CLI) provides users with a powerful and flexible way to interact with their system. With a vast array of commands available, the CLI allows users to perform a wide range of tasks, from managing files and directories to configuring system settings and network connections.

To help users navigate the CLI, we have compiled a comprehensive list of essential Linux commands. This list includes commands for navigating the file system, managing processes, and configuring system settings, among others. Whether you are a seasoned Linux user or a newcomer to the platform, this list is an invaluable resource that can help you get the most out of your system.

Check out the list of essential Linux commands here: https://kinsta.com/blog/linux-commands/

Command Usage
ls Lists the content of a directory
alias Define or display aliases
unalias Remove alias definitions
pwd Prints the working directory
cd Changes directory
cp Copies files and directories
rm Remove files and directories
mv Moves (renames) files and directories
mkdir Creates directories
man Displays manual page of other commands
touch Creates empty files
chmod Changes file permissions
./ Runs an executable
exit Exits the current shell session
sudo Executes commands as superuser
shutdown Shutdowns your machine
htop Displays processes and resources information
unzip Extracts compressed ZIP files
apt, yum, pacman Package managers
echo Displays lines of text
cat Prints file contents
ps Reports shell processes status
kill Terminates programs
ping Tests network connectivity
vim Efficient text editing
history Shows a list of previous commands
passwd Changes user password
which Returns the full binary path of a program
shred Overwrites a file to hide its contents
less Inspects files interactively
tail Displays last lines of a file
head Displays first lines of a file
grep Prints lines that match patterns
whoami Outputs username
whatis Shows single-line descriptions
wc Word count files
uname Displays OS information
neofetch Displays OS and hardware information
find Searches for files that follow a pattern
wget Retrieves files from the internet